By default, Title column width = 300px, so how to change it to 500px? Here's my soluiton:
Make the queue title column width = 500px
//1. Edit CRMWeb/workplace/home_workplace.aspx, add a new JavaScript function call: titleWidth()
function titleWidth()
var barCols = document.getElementById("crmGrid_gridBarCols");
barCols.getElementsByTagName("COL")[2].width = 500;
//2. Call this function from the existing nodeSelect() and window.onload().
function nodeSelect( sQueueId, sViewId, sMenuId )
function window.onload()
i have a question.
How to insert column like createdby or emailaddres in Queues?
Thank you
Best regards
I found it:
to change or to insert column in queues you had to follow this URL
(please change //crm/ to your servername)
But don´t know how to insert regardingobjectid.
Have you a Idea?
Best regards
How to modified the column createdon (datetime) in activities, that show date and time. Because now it show only short date.
best regards
is there a way to ajust the width through a Java script
I have noticed that you have been looking for a solution to show Date and Time for the queues on a few blogs.
After a bit of digging, I found out how to make "QueueItem" customisable under Customize Entities.
if you go into SQL Query Analyser, and then perform the following SQL command, you will magically find Queue Item in your list of cusomizable entites...
here's the SQL code .....
use {databasename}
update dbo.EntityLogicalView
set IsCustomizable = '1'
where Name = 'QueueItem'
... It's as simple as that - scary eh. It was driving me nuts also...
Best regards,
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