1. Change a filed label style
/* change new_button field label style */
if (crmForm.all.new_button != null)
var field = crmForm.all.new_button_c;
field.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; // change font to bold
field.style.fontSize = '12px'; // change font size
field.style.color = '#ff0000'; //change font color
2. Replace a field to a button, and attach the onclick() event
/* replace new_button_d to a button */
if (crmForm.all.new_button != null)
var field = crmForm.all.new_button_d;
var html = "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><img width='32' height='32' style='cursor:hand' src='/_imgs/ico_32_134.gif' alt='Click button' onclick='Button_OnClick()' /></tr></table>";
field.innerHTML = html;
Button_OnClick = function()
alert("button clicked!");
3. Replace a field to a lable (use replaceNode())
/* replace new_button_d to a label */
if (crmForm.all.new_button != null)
var html = document.createElement( "<TD id='new_button_d'>");
html.innerText = "this is a lable";
4. Append text under a field (you don't need to create an attribute for that)
/* append text under new_button */
if(crmForm.all.new_button != null)
var html= document.createElement( "<LABEL>");
html.innerText = "this is a text field";